© 2025 - WinScore
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WinScore Online

Use of WinScoreOnline is an optional and complimentary feature available for WinScore users allowing for online shooter registration and automated results reporting online.

One advantage for many clubs is that you do not need an internet connection to score your shoot. You can accomplish all pre-registration at your home or office taking advantage of your high-speed internet. Then take your laptop or a copy of the shoot database to the club and score the shoot just like you always have. During this time, WinScore will see that you do not have an internet connection and will save all the results that you print: event results including any payouts, options, punches, and All American points.

When you return to a location with a reliable internet connection, start the program, bring up your shoot, and click the Upload button. All results and payouts will be uploaded to WinScoreOnline and be available immediately for online viewing.

If you are a shooter with a question or change request concerning your registration, you must contact the shoot registration or the hosting club.
The email you received with your original confirmation attached included the contact name, email, and phone number for shoot registration.

This site only hosts the shoot information and has no control of the content.
Register as a club (at no cost) to see full details including costs for your tournaments. Also you may view the many How To documents available to you.

If you have any questions or would like more information on services or cost, please contact us at: WinScore Support

© 2025 WinScore and Winscoreonline.com
Version: 2.11
January 23, 2021

WinScore and WinScore Online are owned and managed by:
Ran Davis Software
1649 Barrington Hills Blvd.
Bartonville, TX 76226